Thursday, August 27, 2020

Biography of José Hernández, Former NASA Astronaut

Account of Josã © Hernndez, Former NASA Astronaut Josã © Hernndez (brought into the world August 7, 1962) conquered gigantic hindrances to get one of the few Latinos to fill in as a space explorer for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Brought up in a group of field laborers, he in any case discovered help for his fantasies and accomplished his objective of room flight. Hernndez every so often ended up amidst contention due to his candid positions in regards to Latin culture and movement to the United States. Quick Facts: Josã © M. Hernndez Known For: Former NASA astronautBorn: August 7, 1962, in French Camp, CaliforniaParents: Julia Hernndez, Salvador HernndezEducation: University of the Pacific, University of California, Santa BarbaraAwards and Honors: Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Award (1995), Society of Mexican American Engineers and Scientists Medalla de Oro (1999), U.S. Branch of Energy Outstanding Performance Commendation (2000), NASA Service Awards (2002, 2003), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Outstanding Engineer Award (2001)Spouse: Adelita HernandezChildren: Antonio, Vanessa, Karina, JulioPublished Works: Reaching for the Stars: The Inspiring Story of a Migrant Farmworker Turned AstronautNotable Quote: Now its my turn! Early Life Josã © Hernndez was bornâ on August 7, 1962, in French Camp, California. His folks Salvador and Julia were Mexican outsider vagrant laborers. Each March, Hernndez, the most youthful of four youngsters, ventured with his family from Michoacn, Mexico, to Southern California. Picking crops as they voyaged, the family would then continue north to Stockton, California. At the point when Christmas drew closer, the family would make a beeline for Mexico before coming back to the U.S. in the spring. He commented in a meeting for the NASA site, â€Å"Some children may figure it is enjoyable to travel that way, however we needed to work. It wasn’t a vacation.†Ã¢â‚¬â€¹ At the encouraging of a second-grade instructor, Hernndez’s guardians in the end settled in the Stockton region of California to furnish their kids with more structure. In spite of being conceived in California, the Mexican-American Hernndez didn't learn English until he was 12 years of age. Hopeful Engineer In school, Hernndez appreciated math and science. He chose he needed to be a space traveler in the wake of viewing the Apollo spacewalks on TV. Hernndez was likewise attracted to the calling in 1980, when he discovered that NASA had picked Costa Rican local Franklin Chang-Diaz, one of the principal Hispanics to travel into space, as a space explorer. Hernndez said in a NASA meet that he, at that point a secondary school senior, despite everything recollects the second he heard the news. â€Å"I was hoeing a column of sugar beets in a field close to Stockton, California, and I heard on my transistor radio that Franklin Chang-Diaz had been chosen for the Astronaut Corps. I was at that point intrigued by science and building, however that was the second I stated, ‘I need to fly in space.’† After he completed secondary school, Hernndez examined electrical designing at the University of the Pacific in Stockton. From that point, he sought after alumni concentrates in building at the University of California, Santa Barbara. In spite of the fact that his folks were vagrant laborers, Hernndez said they organized his training by ensuring he finished his schoolwork and concentrated reliably. â€Å"What I generally state to Mexican guardians, Latino guardians is that we shouldn’t invest so much energy going out with companions drinking lager and viewing telenovelas, and ought to invest additional time with our families and kids...challenging our children to seek after dreams that may appear unreachable,† Hernndez said in a questionable meeting with the Los Angles Times. Kicking things off, Joining NASA When he finished his examinations, Hernndez found a vocation with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in 1987. There, he occupied with work with a business accomplice that brought about the production of the main full-field computerized mammography imaging framework, used to spot bosom malignant growth in its first stages. Hernndez followed his earth shattering work at Lawrence Laboratory by surrounding his fantasy about turning into a space traveler. In 2001, he marked on as a NASA materials research engineer at Houston’s Johnson Space Center, assisting with Space Shuttle and International Space Station missions. He proceeded to fill in as the Materials and Processes Branch boss in 2002, a job he filled until NASA chose him for its space program in 2004. In the wake of applying for 12 straight years to enter the program, Hernndez was finally made a beeline for space. In the wake of experiencing physiological, flight, and water and wild endurance preparing just as preparing on Shuttle and International Space Station frameworks, Hernndez finished Astronaut Candidate Training in February 2006. Three-and-a-half years after the fact, Hernndez traveled on the STS-128 transport crucial, which he administered the exchange of in excess of 18,000 pounds of gear between the van and the International Space Station and assisted with mechanical technology tasks, as indicated by NASA. The STS-128 crucial more than 5.7 million miles in just shy of about fourteen days. Movement Controversy After Hernndez came back from space, he wound up at the focal point of contention. That’s in light of the fact that he remarked on Mexican TV that from space he delighted in observing the Earth without outskirts and called for complete movement change, contending that undocumented specialists assume a significant job in the U.S. economy. His comments apparently disappointed his NASA bosses, who rushed to call attention to that Hernndez’s sees didn't speak to the association all in all. â€Å"I work for the U.S. government, however as an individual, I reserve a privilege to my own opinions,† Hernndez said in a subsequent meeting with the Los Angeles Times. â€Å"Having 12 million undocumented individuals here methods there’s a major issue with the framework, and the framework should be fixed.† Past NASA Following a 10-year run at NASA, Hernndez left the administration organization in January 2011 to fill in as official chief for Strategic Operations at aviation organization MEI Technologies Inc. in Houston. â€Å"Josà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s ability and devotion have contributed extraordinarily to the office, and he is a motivation to many,† said Peggy Whitson, head of the Astronaut Office at NASA’s Johnson Space Center. â€Å"We want him to enjoy all that life has to offer with this new period of his career.† Sources Connelly, Richard. â€Å"Jose Hernandez, Astronaut Who Sparked Immigration Controversy, Retires from NASA.†Ã‚ Houston Press, 18 Jan. 2019.Dunbar, Brian. â€Å"Meet NASAs Future Explorer - Jose Hernandez.†Ã‚ NASA.NASA. â€Å"Astronaut Jose Hernandez Leaves NASA.†Ã‚ PR Newswire, 30 June 2018.Wall, Mike. â€Å"Migrant Farmer-Turned-Astronaut Jose Hernandez Leaves NASA.†Ã‚, 17 Jan. 2011.Wilkinson, Tracy. â€Å"Mexican American Astronaut Isnt Changing Course on Immigration Stand.†Ã‚ Los Angeles Times, 17 Sept. 2009.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Justin Bieber Concert Review free essay sample

As though hand crafted T-shirts and radio challenges werent sufficiently energizing, the ultra piercing shouts of 20,000 at Milwaukee Summerfest implied Justin Bieber was inside a five-mile span. Two hours before showtime, the arena was an ocean of neon shirts, signs, and body paint that read â€Å"Bieber Fever,† â€Å"Biebers Baby,† â€Å"HUG ME!† and â€Å"One Less Lonely Girl.† The line for yard seats had shaped promptly in the first part of the day, and the one for prepaid seats was nearly as long! At long last it was a race to the best seats in light of one objective: Will I get a decent picture of Justin? At that point it was the ideal opportunity for opening act number one, The Stunners. These five young ladies injected pop melodies with Beyonce-style move moves. Their set added more vitality to the effectively shouting swarm. Next was Jessica Jarrell, an independent craftsman who recorded a melody with Bieber. Her pleasant pop solid heated up the group considerably more. We will compose a custom paper test on Justin Bieber Concert Review or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page By 7:30 the crowd was prepared for Sean Kingston. His high vitality, Jamaican-feeling set went on for 45 minutes, and the shouting was just expanding as the warmth rose. After each melody, the group started to recite and cheer. It resembled a horde was all set in front of an audience and pull Justin out. At long last, at 8:45 an introduction played on the screens, the setting for the unrivaled Justin Bieber, who exited with his strut close behind. Strobe lights, smoke, and Bieber characterized the set. Eight back-up artists, a full band, and ultra-high-vitality tunes overwhelmed the earsplitting shouts of fans. Anthems, two part harmonies with Kingston and Jarrell, and a capella melodies by the back up artists dont even start to portray the show the 16-year-old put on. With two huge screens  ­projecting YouTube recordings  ­during outfit changes, a live video feed during melodies, and pictures for the initial demonstrations, this show was the ideal mix of music and  ­technology.

Friday, August 21, 2020

DIY Pest Control Will Save You Money, But Is It Really Feasible

DIY Pest Control Will Save You Money, But Is It Really Feasible DIY Pest Control Will Save You Money, But Is It Really Feasible? DIY Pest Control Will Save You Money, But Is It Really Feasible?The best way to affordably handle a pest infestation yourself is to make sure the infestation never starts in the first place.While hiring a professional to de-pestify your home is usually effective, it can also be very expensive. DIY pest control offers a much more affordable path, but is it effective enough to actually, like, work?Well,  it  can  be. You just have to go about it the right way.Preventing an infestation is a lot cheaper than getting rid of one.  You don’t have to worry about getting rid of pests if they never show up in the first place, right?  When it comes to many common pests like mice, rats, and cockroaches, you should make sure to keep your place clean and tidy.“Good household hygiene is important,” advised Jordan Foster, pest control technician with Fantastic Pest Control (@Fantastic). “Make sure to seal the rubbish well and dispose of it quickly, avoid leaving dirty dishes in the sink or o n the countertops, and put away any food leftovers. Leakages of any sorts around the house should be fixed because those are the easiest to reach water sources for many pests.”But some pests require additional caution. For instance, heres what Foster told us about preventing bed bugs:“When traveling, make sure to check the bed area for any signs of bed bug presence. Don’t bother looking at the sheets as they change them daily. Instead, check below the mattress and around the bed frame. Avoid picking up furniture from the street or buying second-hand furniture. Even non-upholstered items can be infested.”These arent the only things you can do to prevent pests from moving in and taking over.“Try prevention first,” said Caleb Backe, Health and Wellness Expert at Maple Holistics (@MapleHolistics). “Do not leave uncovered food around. Close off potential shelter for pests such as openings in the wall or in furniture. If you already have little unwanted visitors in your home , there are DIY ways to get rid of them before you start bringing in professionals.”Notice how an expert in health and wellness is giving you great tips to prevent a pest infestation? Theres a reason for that. A lot of these best practices will have benefits way beyond just warding off bugs and mice.Getting rid of pests on your own  requires a lot of time and attention.  Even the best-laid pest prevention plans arent 100 percent effective. Once an infestation sets in, youll be left with a much harder task ahead and lot more questions to answer.But lets get to the point: How can you deal with infestations on your own?“You can do it with almost any pest, Foster told us. It’s just that DIY pest control requires lots of beforehand research and patience because it takes time and meticulousness of ones actions.”“There are some great in-depth online resources with the help of which you can decrease or even completely destroy a pest colony, thus cutting the costs for professional extermination. Some of the pests that are easily treatable include: fleas, flies, wasps and their nests, and ants.”It’s worth doing your own online research to see which methods would work best for your living situation. But we can offer some links to start with.This article  is a good place to start if youre dealing with fleas.  In addition to getting a flea and tick collar, you can do things like wash your animals with lemon-scented dish soap or put a bowl of sudsy water under a lamp to draw out and drown the fleas that are already there.There are lots of cheap and natural remedies for dealing with house flies. Here’s a list that includes suggestions like basil, tea tree oil, and the always reliable sticky ribbons.When it comes to wasps, there are ways to handle it on your own, but unless you consider yourself a “real toughie,” this might be a situation where it’s worth calling in a pro.Some other pests that Foster agrees you’d be better off calling a pro for: “bed bugs, mice and rats, woodworms, and cockroaches. If you spot any of these, you shouldn’t postpone contacting a professional. The longer you wait and let the infestation to develop, the harder and more expensive it will be to remove the pest. Acting fast, be it with DIY or professional solution, is essential when dealing with pests.”DIY tips for dealing with mosquitos and ticks.Mosquitos might be some of the peskiest pests around. They’re bad enough outside the house, but if they get inside, you can find yourself waking up in the morning with half your blood sucked away. Same goes for ticks.Thankfully, the professionals at Mosquito Squad (@mosquitoSQUADco) gave us a list of tips for handling skeeters and ticks:7 Ts of mosquito control for homeownersTIP: Anything that can hold waterâ€"tip it over! This includes childrens sandboxes and toys, plant saucers, and dog bowls.TOSS: Excess grass, leaves, firewood and yard clippingsâ€"chuck em.TURN: Tipping is great, but turning over is better. Turn over larger yard items that could hold water.Remove TARPS: If you have tarps stretched over firewood piles, boats or sports equipment, and they arent tautâ€"you guessed itâ€"theyre holding water. Water = mosquitoes.TAKE CARE:  Take care of home maintenance needs that can contribute to standing water. Areas where water pools, such as near faucets or water spouts, leaking irrigation systems, clogged gutters, and all of those places, offer a breeding haven for mosquitoes.TEAM UP: Despite taking all precautions in your own home, talking with neighbors is a key component to mosquito control. Townhomes and home with little space between lots mean that mosquitoes can breed at a neighbors home and affect your property.TREAT: Using a mosquito elimination barrier treatment at home reduces the need for using DEET bug spray on your body. FYI: Mosquito Squads mosquito control barrier protection eliminates up to 90 percent of mosquitoes and ticks on a property.6 Cs of tick control for homeownersCLEAR DEBRIS: Ticks thrive in damp, shaded environments and tend to die in sunny, dry areas. Clear out areas where lawn and tree debris gather and relocate compost piles away from high traffic areas. Separate those areas with wood chips or gravel, and avoid positioning playground equipment, decks, or patios near wooded areas.CLEAN: Eliminate leaf litter and brush by cleaning it up around the house and lawn edges, mow tall grasses, and keep your lawn short. This reduces the number of places that ticks can hide.CHOOSE PLANTS: Select plants and shrubs that are not attractive to deer and/or install physical barriers to keep deer out of your yard. Check with your local nursery to determine the best choices for your area.CHECK HIDING PLACES: Familiarize yourself with the most likely tick hiding places on your property and check them frequently. Fences, brick walls, and patio retaining walls are all common hiding places.CARE FOR FAMILY PETS: Family pets are prime targets for ticks and can carry infected ticks into your home. Talk to your veterinarian about using tick collars or sprays. As with all pest control products, be sure to only use as directed and to always use with caution.CALL THE PROS: To play it safe, call the pros to apply barrier treatments so you can enjoy your yard in peace.Hopefully, this has given you an understanding of what you can handle on your own and when you should call in the experts. May you have a pest free life!To learn more about handling things DIY, check out these related posts and articles from OppLoans:Flood Preparedness: 10 Expert DIY and Low-Cost TipsTricks and Tips for Cheaper Car Repairs12 Tips for Getting Rid of (and Selling) Your Extra ClutterWhat do you do when youve got pests in the house?  We want to hear from you!  You can  email us  or you can find us on  Facebook  and  Twitter.Visit OppLoans on  YouTube  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  LinkedINContributorsCaleb Backe is a certified personal trainer as well as a Health and Wellness Expert specializing in personal care for Maple Holistics (@MapleHolistics). He is from Riverdale, New York.Jordan Foster is a professional pest technician for Fantastic Pest Control (@Fantastic), a London-based company that serves residential and business properties. Prior to joining with Fantastic, Jordan was a company owner and was managing a small team of local exterminators. He specializes in mice rat control and bed bug removal.With over 240 franchise locations nationwide, Mosquito Squad (@mosquitoSQUADco)  specializes in eliminating mosquitoes and ticks from outdoor living spaces, allowing Americans to enjoy their yards, outdoor living spaces, special events and green spaces. For more information, visit

Monday, May 25, 2020

Analysis Of The Book Brave New World By Anton Chekhov

Pursuit of Happiness Liberty gives you the freedom to find your own happiness. Personal liberty is an individual to do whoever she/he pleases. In a short story called â€Å"The Man in a Case† by Anton Chekhov, a character named Byelikov is consistent of the way he lives. Byelikov was man that strictly played by the rules. For someone that is freely but seemed unhappy, he was scared to take risk because he wanted to be ready unexpected. A book named Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, is about the people of the World State having to accept what was given and told to them. They were not individually happy because everyone is counted as a whole and must share the same satisfaction to be stable. Everyone deserves to have their own happiness no matter what. Is a certain amount of personal liberty necessary for happiness? All of personal liberty is necessary for happiness because it brings happiness, satisfaction, and individualism that leads to opportunities. First, everyone deserve s to freely pursue their own happiness in the way they want. We are all entitled to figure out what we want in life that makes us happy. A character from a short story called â€Å"The Man in a Case† by Anton Chekhov, a man name Byelikov was a man that simply lived his life with precautions. He always wore the same thing to protect himself from the unexpected, â€Å"He was remarkable for always wearing galoshes and a warm wadded coat, and carrying an umbrella even in the finest weather.† Byelikov lived a cautiousShow MoreRelatedA Doll House by Henrik Ibsen7379 Words   |  30 PagesMa. Jennifer S. Yap Dr. Sherwin Perlas World Literature January 14, 2012 A Doll House by Henrik Ibsen Translated by Rolf Fjelde I. Introduction During the late nineteenth century, women were enslaved in their gender roles and certain restrictions were enforced on them by a male dominant culture. Every woman was raised believing that they had neither self-control nor self-government but that they must yield to the control of a stronger gender. John Stuart Mill wrote in his essay, â€Å"The Subjection

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

E Bach s Influence On The Empfindsam Style And Future...

C.P.E Bach’s Influence on the Empfindsam Style and Future Composers Carl Phillip Emmanuel Bach is listed in many history books as an important transitional composer between the baroque style and the classical style without giving specific reasons why. This essay focuses on the significant contributions C.P.E Bach made to music theory and the way music was performed. This essay will also cover his influence on the emerging empfindsam style and the inspiration he gave his musical successors, such as Haydn and Mozart. C.P.E Bach believed music should achieve a connection with listeners on the emotional level. He himself was influenced by the Enlightenment and it came out in his view of music and his very individual compositional style. He†¦show more content†¦His sonatas effectively capture the idea of continuously changing emotions, which is a key feature of empfindsam style. C.P.E. Bach’s genius in his contributions to keyboard playing and composition are often skimmed over. He is gets lost in the transition between his father J.S. Bach to Haydn and Mozart. By the time Haydn and Mozart came to the forefront of the new classical music Bach’s fingering for scales and fundamental bass was widely used. C.P.E. Bach did not agree with many of the existing treatises on music theory including a leading music theorist Rameau. His largest disagreement was with Rameau’s ideas on fundamental bass. Fundamental bass is what is known as the root of chords today. Bach recognized t hat there were more chords than Rameau having only one root but having several qualities. Lester says that Rameau’s ideas are regarded as an important predecessor to music theory but is criticized about his idea that chords had two different roots (157). According to Mitchell, William J., Bach recognized twenty chords some of which are variations of chords including subtypes and chromatic alterations. Bach also disagreed with Rameau on the behavior of chords. He believed that the intervals in the transitions between chords were important beyond the base notes of the chords. He emphasized context and

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Archetypes in The Little Mermaid free essay sample

There are four archetype characters that are prominant in The Little Mermaid. They include Ariel as the hero, Flounder and Sebastian as the hunting companions, and Ursala as the devil figure. Some of these characters have a color or situational archetype that surround them. Ariel, the main character, is seen as the hero of the movie. She shows characteristics of a hero when she risks her own life to save other people and again when she fights the evil Ursula to become a human. This archetype reveals the inner-strength of this character, while she seems to be a simple-minded young girl; we realize by the end of the film that she is very strong minded and cunning. She is also tied into the star-crossed lovers archetype, as she falls in love with a human, while she is a mermaid. Flounder and Sebastian, a fish and a crab, can be seen as Ariels hunting companions. We will write a custom essay sample on Archetypes in The Little Mermaid or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page An example of when this archetype is shown is when Flounder ventures with Ariel into the abandoned ship, even though he doesnt want to. Another example could be when Sebastian tries to help Ariel get the prince to fall in love with her. This archetype reveals that these to characters are not inconsequential, and help aid Ariel on her quest. Ursula, the witch, is considered the devil figure of The Little Mermaid. Throughout the movie there are many examples of this, the biggest one might be considered when she attempts to kill Ariel and the prince after her plan to take King Tritions throne is ruined. It shows that she is completely evil and has no hope of redemption. Thus it pinpoints her as the devil figure. The archetype color black is coupled with her to show the viewer he true intentions throughout the movie. The over-all archetype symbolism displayed throughout the movie is the Heaven vs. Hell archetype. Indicating that Ursuala would represent hell, or the devil and Ariel would represent heaven or an innocent angel. This knowledge helps us better understand the purpose of the film by providing the viewer with a clear concept of what the roles of the characters are throughout the movie.