Saturday, February 22, 2020

Tata International Marketing Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Tata International Marketing Analysis - Essay Example In developing countries like China, India, and Brazil the demand is a great demand for small cars, where the reason is that the majority of the population belongs to the mid-class and prefer small cars rather than highly expensive luxury cars (Enderwick, 2012). Similarly, the rise of oil imports in the developed countries like US has lead to higher demand for fuel efficient cars. This has somehow promoted small car models, which are highly fuel efficient and cost effective (Enderwick, 2012). This study will give a detailed analysis of Tata Motors Company in order to understand how much enterprise is successful in its ultra-low cost car brand â€Å"Tata Nano† (McLoughlin & Aaker, 2010). The analysis will evaluate Tata Nano’s international marketing strategy with respect to the global market segments. The learning objectives in the study are to understand the position of Tata Nano market and to know how Tata Motors is compelling with its International marketing strategies (Kotler, 2009, pp.46). Background to Tata Motors Tata Motors is one of the major car manufacturing companies of Tata Group, the most recognized group in the Indian conglomerate market. The group is present in 85 countries across the world with a workforce population of 300,000 people working at the same time (Weihrich & Cannice, 2010). The Tata Group has founded 98 companies working in different market and business segments. All of this shows that The Tata Group is a leading benchmark in the Indian stock market and it is with a unified presence in the world’s multinational spectrum (Weihrich & Cannice, 2010, pp.103). Tata Motors is one of the stemming companies of the Tata Group. Along with the manufacturing of different car segments like trucks, trailers, and passenger cars, Tata Motors had found a distinctive recognition in India especially in passenger cars like Tata Nano (Akhanov et al., 2009). The car has become popular just because of its Ultra-Low Cost feature. It has touched the hearts of million Indians, who love the car just because of its cheap and easy to afford characteristics. Tata Motors holding a 15-20 percent share in the Indian passenger car market has stabilized a good position domestically, but due to low international sales volume the brand is weak in the global market domain (Akhanov et al., 2009). Analysis and Assessment of Tata Nano Theory of Blue Ocean Strategy â€Å"In a market there are two formats of industries, red oceans and blue oceans. Red oceans are old industries present with conventional norms and settings in the market while blue oceans are untouched market segments, where there is a space to adjust new products with new trends† (Kim & Mauborgne, 2005). Practice It was the fiscal 2008 when Tata Motors launched Nano on a global stage. The launch ranked the car to the World’s cheapest cars category, where it got available in the price US$2,230. This was the first time that India retrieved such cheapest ca r, which included all the features of a brand new car with the drastic attribute of affordability (Pride & Ferrell, 2011, pp.652). The Nano brought lots of expectations for Tata Motors, where the effort has been to promote it in the European corners. In this respect, the company follows extensive growth strategies to bring the car on the International market segment, where there is a need to understand the global low-cost

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Obesity and its many health concerns Research Paper

Obesity and its many health concerns - Research Paper Example This was owing to the alarming increase in the number of people suffering from this problem as well as the serious health risks that an individual is exposed to owing to this health condition. Obesity is a life hampering condition which tends to affect the living of an individual and this issue needs to be dealt with in the best possible manner to control the rise in the number of people suffering from this problem (McCambridge 2006). . The statistics of obesity have been increasing at a very fast pace in the United States of America. The situation has become very grave owing to the fact that it has been analyzed that United States has the highest rates of obesity in comparison to the other countries across the globe. In the year 2010, it was seen that one out of every five people in the United States suffered from the problem of increased weight. This showed a substantial increase in comparison to the year 1991 when one out of every eight individuals had weight above the normal limi ts. Furthermore, it has been highlighted that the rate of obesity has increased by more than three times in comparison to the year 1961. Dr. ... According to the similar report the number of adults who have weight above normal limits and are obese ranges to about 130 million (Bass III 2011; Huber 2010; McCambridge 2006). It has been highlighted that obesity is a pathological condition that poses many risks for the human health. The Department of Health and Human Services indicated the fact that the obese individuals laid a greater burden on the healthcare system of the country and hundred billion dollars have to be diverted every year towards the healthcare costs on the obese individuals. It has also been analyzed that obesity related pathologies are responsible for the death of 300,000 people in the United States (Bass III 2011; Huber 2010). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have set standards to check for the individuals who suffer from obesity. The Body Mass Index is the widely used calculation for checking obesity. This index utilizes the height and the weight of the person to calculate the results of the amo unt of fat present in a person’s body. The result is compared with a standard chart which has the different BMI values according to the sex and the age of the individuals. This indicates the fact that the BMI values differ from one person to owing to different BMI values for different ages and sexes. The CDC has laid guidelines that all individuals who have a BMI ranging from 25 to 29.9 suffer from increased weight and those individuals who have a BMI above 30 suffer from obesity (Bass III 2011; McCambridge 2006). There has been great emphasis laid upon childhood obesity and obesity amongst the younger age groups. This is owing to the fact that forty percent of