Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Essay about Basketball - 1049 Words

WHY THE NBA DREAM IS RUINING COLLEGE BASKETBALL nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The National Basketball Association is a corporate powerhouse with installments in nearly every major city in the United States. With the exception of European soccer, professional basketball generates more money per season than any other sport in the world. NBA superstars carry as much authority in the entertainment business as the most popular actors, comedians, and musicians. Even the guys who are last off the bench are making more money in one season than the average middle-class worker makes in five years. Corporate America sells its images, logos, slogans, ideas, and viable goods by employing NBA stars to speak publicly on-behalf of their materials. More†¦show more content†¦nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;College basketball has suffered as of late because of this inclination. Too many talented kids have jumped to the pros without considering the benefits college offers. Besides earning a substantial degree and being able to find a job after the baske tball years have passed, college allows athletes to physical and mentally mature in their roles as leaders on and off the court. The skill levels of younger generations are evolving at an astonishing rate, but basketball at the professional level is much more than skill. The NBA game is as much mental patience and court understanding as it is physical domination. High school athletes typically lack the mental sharpness playing in the NBA demands, but college recruiters and coaches have not been able to successfully sell the benefits of education over the big pay offs agents guarantee. Maturity off the court is another issue. Eighteen and nineteen year-old professional athletes should not have to deal with the stresses the NBA unleashes on its new inductees. Money, women, drugs, gambling, travel demands, and corporate contracts are extremely dangerous at such young ages. Once again, it comes back to college representatives not being able to out-market NBA agents and the big promises and incentives they regularly promise. Agents also commonly point out the difficulty in managing educational tasks andShow MoreRelatedBasketball And Basketball : Basketball Vs. Basketball1083 Words   |  5 PagesBasketball is the best sport in the nation. It was created by a Canadian man named James Naismith and he was a PE teacher.The first basketball goals were peach baskets and they played in cages made of chicken wire and mesh. At the beginning of basketball, they used soccer balls before actual basketballs were created.They also did not dribble a lot at the beginning of basketball, they would catch the ball and take a couple of steps to slow down or stop. Since then the game of basketball has changedRead MoreBasketball Vs. Basketball822 Words   |  4 PagesThese were the exact words of basketball hall of famer Michael Jordan, a person who can be debated as the greatest basketball player ever. This quote means more than just how to be successful in basketball; it means that making mistakes is part of the journey to a prosperous life, but not taking chances strays from the path to success. In today’s world, people have to be competitive to succeed in anything. The formula for both a â€Å"good† life and successful basketball career requires many similar thingsRead MoreBasketball : The Game Of Basketball1521 Words   |  7 PagesThe game of basketball started in December 1891. Basketball was founded by a Canadian born instructor named James Naismith at the Young Men’s Christian Association training school in Springfield, Massachusetts. The YMCA developed rules for the game which were later used in high schools, colleges, and settlement houses. The game grew bigger and popular in a lot of areas. Particularly in urban areas, where games were sponsored by schools, social clubs, churches, and companies. Colleges sponsored tournamentsRead MoreThe Basketball Type Game Of Basketball Essay1617 Words   |  7 Pageseverywhere in between the game of Basketball is played. It’s played in the city parks of New York and the dusty plains of Africa, and the expensive designed courts of the NBA. The game is played wherever someone can get a ball, and a mounted ring-like object. Unlike other sports that require multiple people and a lot of equipment, Basketball only requires a Ball and the willingness to play. Through this speech you will learn about the history of basketball, rules of basketball, and how to play the basicRead MoreBasketball s Influence On Basketball1506 Words   |  7 PagesThe history behind basketball may appeal boring to some, but it is astounding as it is for the exhilaration of watching a professional player score a game-winning three-pointer or a half-court shot. The first official game of basketball occurred on January 20, 1892 in Springfield, Massachusetts (Faurschou). From what is now a popular sport worldwide started off with an interesting history, but the roots of basketball was full of in dividual challenges, each making the sport difficult to retain a publicRead MoreIs Basketball A State Basketball Game?886 Words   |  4 PagesHave you ever been to a State basketball game? Here let me explain to you what state basketball is like. First of all you walk into the gym, it’s huge! You see hundreds of people, you’ve never see this many people in one room before. All you can smell is popcorn and hotdogs, which already excited you because who doesn’t love food? There is extremely loud â€Å"pump up† music playing, you can’t even hear what the person next to you is saying. It is by far one of the best experiences you will ever haveRead MoreIs Basketball A Better Basketball Player?1846 Words   |  8 Pagesby the best basketball player ever. This is a meaningful quote showing that you get what you work for and earn. If someone works hard and puts in the work needed you will be rewarded, but others who just complain and about stuff and say they are getting any progress, they will not be harvesting the full reward. As for myself, I put in the work and tried hard to become a better basketball player and it has paid off. Basketball has yet to fail me. I have been to quite a few basketball camps throughoutRead MoreWhy Basketball Helps You : Basketball852 Words   |  4 PagesWhy basketball helps you Basketball is a well-known sport that is played almost everywhere: at school, home, parks, and other places. Basketball is the easiest sport to play, and enjoy with friends. Basketball can help you reach your goals mentally by making you more aware of your surroundings and helping you be more alert of school assignment, other work outside of school, and physically by staying in shape by going to the gym and working out or by just running. Some explanations of how basketballRead More Basketball Essay1500 Words   |  6 Pages Basketball Basketball was created a simple game. The primary objective was to place a ball, without dribbling, into a peach basket. However, like Darwins theory of man, basketball has evolved into the most exciting exhibition of athletic ability. Basketball has seen many rule changes, because of the increasing ability of the players. Basketball is a melting pot, where black, white, and European people excel. This is a sport that is color-blind. This sport requires complete control over ones bodyRead MorePhysics of Basketball640 Words   |  3 Pagestell you how physics applies to shooting a basketball. Shooting a basketball is a simple concept. All you do is align your feet towards the goal, put the ball in place, and then shoot; easy right? Not exactly, just because you do these steps does not mean you will get a perfect shot every time and make the basket. First, were going to start with setting the shot up with a dribble, most players can shoot off of the dribble. When dribbling a basketball a shooter releases the ball towards the floor

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